Ford Fusion Manuals

Ford Fusion: Introduction / About This Manual

Thank you for choosing Ford. We recommend that you take some time to get to know your vehicle by reading this manual. The more that you know about your vehicle, the greater the safety and pleasure you will get from driving it.

WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, crash and injury. We strongly recommend that you use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure you are aware of all applicable local laws that may affect the use of electronic devices while driving.

Note: This manual describes product features and options available throughout the range of available models, sometimes even before they are generally available. It may describe options not fitted to the vehicle you have purchased.

Note: Some of the illustrations in this manual may show features as used in different models, so may appear different to you on your vehicle.

Note: Always use and operate your vehicle in line with all applicable laws and regulations.

Note: Pass on this manual when selling your vehicle. It is an integral part of your vehicle.

This manual may qualify the location of a component as left-hand side or right-hand side. The side is determined when facing forward in the seat.

Ford Fusion. About This Manual

  1. Right-hand side.
  2. Left-hand side.



    Symbols Glossary

    These are some of the symbols you may see on your vehicle. Air conditioning system Air conditioning system lubricant type Anti-lock braking system Avoid smoking, flames or sparks Battery Battery acid Brake fluid - non petroleum based Brake system Brake system Cabin air filter Check fuel cap Child safety door lock or unlock Child seat lower anchor Child seat tether anchor Cruise co..

    Other information:

    Ford Fusion 2013–2020 Service Manual: Steering Gear. Removal and Installation

    Removal NOTE: Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details. If installing a new steering gear, upload the PSCM configuration to the scan tool. Refer to: Module Configuration - System Operation and Component Description (418-01 Module Configuration, Description and Operation). Remove the front subframe. Refer to: Front Subframe - 2.7L EcoBoost (238kW/32..

    Ford Fusion 2013–2020 Service Manual: Symbols Glossary. Description and Operation

    Symbols are used inside the graphics and in the text area to enhance the information display. Movement Symbols Movement symbols provide detailed information to a required component movement. These component movements can be rotational or 1-3 dimensional movements. Item Part Number Description 1 — Minor component movement clockwise/counterclockwise ..


    Understanding Your Tire Pressure Monitoring System

    Ford Fusion. Understanding Your Tire Pressure Monitoring System

    The tire pressure monitoring system measures pressure in your road tires and sends the tire pressure readings to your vehicle. You can view the tire pressure readings through the information display. The low tire pressure warning light will turn on if the tire pressure is significantly low. Once the light is illuminated, your tires are under-inflated and need to be inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure. Even if the light turns on and a short time later turns off, your tire pressure still needs to be checked.

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