Ford Fusion: Engine System - General Information / Powertrain/Drivetrain Mount Neutralizing. General Procedures
Refer to the appropriate section and procedure for special instructions on loosening and tightening mount fasteners.
Refer to: Jacking and Lifting - Overview (100-02 Jacking and Lifting, Description and Operation).
Loosen, but do not remove, the powertrain/drivetrain mount fasteners.
Lower the vehicle.
Do not twist or strain the powertrain/drivetrain mounts or damage to the mounts may occur.
Start the vehicle and move it in forward 0.6 m (1.97 ft)
- 1.2 m (3.94 ft). Then move the vehicle in reverse the same distance.
Raise and support the vehicle.
Tighten the powertrain/drivetrain mount fasteners.
Lower the vehicle.
Test the system for normal operation.
Refer to the appropriate Section 303-01 for the specification.
Measure the piston diameter 90 degrees from the piston
pin and 41 mm (1...
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Plastic Scraper
Nylon Bristle Disk
Plastic Razor Blade
Lint-Free Towel
Isopropyl Alcohol – 90 Percent Minimum
Motorcraft® Silicone Gasket RemoverZC-30-A
Motorcraft® Metal Surface Prep WipesZC-31-B
Motorcraft® Engine Shampoo and DegreaserZC-20
ESR-M14P3-A ..
Other information:
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
8 mm Drill Bit
MIG/MAG Welding Equipment
Spot Weld Drill Bit
Locking Pliers
Battery electric vehicle (BEV), hybrid electric vehicle
(HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) contain a high-voltage
battery. Before cutting or welding near the high-voltage battery it must
be removed to avoid damage.
NOTE: ..
Before beginning any service procedure in this
manual, refer to health and safety warnings in section 100-00 General
Information. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious
personal injury.
Refer to: Health and Safety Precautions (100-00 General Information, Description and Operation).
With the ignition in OFF, press the lock ..