WARNING: You must remain in your vehicle when the system turns on. At all times, you are responsible for controlling your vehicle, supervising the system and intervening, if required. Failure to take care may result in the loss of control of your vehicle, serious personal injury or death.
WARNING: The sensors may not detect objects in heavy rain or other conditions that cause interference.
WARNING: Active park assist does not apply the brakes under any circumstances.
WARNING: You are responsible for controlling your vehicle at all times. The system is designed to be an aid and does not relieve you of your responsibility to drive with due care and attention. Failure to follow this instruction could result in the loss of control of your vehicle, personal injury or death.
Note: Keep the sensors free from snow, ice and large accumulations of dirt.
Note: Do not cover up the sensors.
Note: Do not clean the sensors with sharp objects.
Note: The sensors may not detect objects with surfaces that absorb ultrasonic waves.
The sensors may falsely detect objects due to ultrasonic interference caused by motorcycle exhausts, truck air brakes or horns, for example.
Note: If you change any tires, the system must recalibrate and may not correctly operate for a short time.
Active park assist is a multi-step process and may require you to shift the transmission multiple times. Follow the onscreen instructions until the parking maneuver is complete.
If you are uncomfortable with the proximity to any vehicle or object, you may choose to override the system by grabbing the steering wheel, or by taking full control of your vehicle after pressing the active park assist button.
Keep your hands, hair, clothing and any loose items clear of the steering wheel when using active park assist.
The sensors are on the front and rear bumpers.
The system may not correctly operate in any of the following conditions:
Do not use the system if:
The power door lock control is on the driver and front passenger door panels.