Ford Fusion: Engine Cooling - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4 / Coolant Pump. Removal and Installation
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
303-1556 Locking Tool, Timing Belt TKIT-2010B-FLM TKIT-2010B-ROW |
303-748 Locking Tool, Crankshaft TKIT-2010B-FLM TKIT-2010B-ROW |
Hose Clamp Remover/Installer |
4 mm Drill Bit |
The original coolant pump may not be equipped with a clutch and wiring harness connector.
Refer to: Engine Cooling System Health and Safety Precautions (100-00 General Information, Description and Operation).
Drain the cooling system.
Refer to: Engine Cooling System Draining, Vacuum Filling and Bleeding (303-03A Engine Cooling - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4, General Procedures).
Remove the engine appearance cover.
Disconnect the electrical connector.
Detach the wiring harness hose assembly and disconnect the electrical connector.
Remove the following items:
Remove the air cleaner outlet pipe.
Refer to: Air Cleaner Outlet Pipe (303-12A Intake Air Distribution and Filtering - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4, Removal and Installation).
Remove the crankcase vent hose.
Use the General Equipment: Hose Clamp Remover/Installer
Release the clamp and disconnect the bypass hose. Detach
the wiring harness pin-type retainers and loosen the clamp.
Use the General Equipment: Hose Clamp Remover/Installer
Remove the bolts and the TC inlet pipe.
Loosen the coolant pump pulley bolts.
Refer to: Jacking and Lifting - Overview (100-02 Jacking and Lifting, Description and Operation).
Remove the nuts and the axle bearing support.
It may be necessary to rotate the halfshaft to remove the front lower bolt.
Remove the bolts and position the bracket support aside.
Remove the engine block bolt.
Install Special Service Tool: 303-748
Locking Tool, Crankshaft.
Only rotate the crankshaft clockwise.
Rotate the crankshaft slowly until the crankshaft stops.
Remove the following items:
Remove the generator.
Refer to: Generator - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4 (414-02 Generator and Regulator, Removal and Installation).
Remove the engine mount.
Refer to: Engine Mount (303-01A Engine - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4, Removal and Installation).
Remove the bolts and the accessory drive belt tensioner.
Detach the wiring harness retainer and remove the nut.
Remove the bolt and the supporting bracket.
Remove the timing cover stud bolt.
Detach the cover from the retainer and open.
Remove the bolts and the coolant pump pulley.
Remove the engine mount stud.
Detach the wiring harness retainers.
Remove the bolt.
Detach the wiring harness retainer.
Remove the bolt.
Remove the bolts.
If the vehicle is equipped with a coolant pump that
has a clutch, it may be necessary to break the timing belt cover during
removal. Install a new timing belt cover.
Remove the timing belt cover.
Timing belt removal is only necessary if a new timing belt is being installed.
Install a new timing belt if the existing belt is contaminated by coolant or oil.
Refer to: Timing Belt (303-01A Engine - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4, Removal and Installation).
The original coolant pump may not be equipped with a clutch and wiring harness connector.
Disconnect the electrical connector.
Only use the specified special tool.
Make sure that the crankshaft is not rotated while the special tool is installed.
Install Special Service Tool: 303-1556
Locking Tool, Timing Belt.
Note the position of the components before removal.
The tensioner is under spring tension. Be careful
when handling the tensioner. Failure to follow this instruction may
result in personal injury.
The crankshaft or camshafts must not be rotated while the timing belt is removed.
Rotate the timing belt tensioner and install a holding pin.
Install the General Equipment: 4 mm Drill Bit
The tensioner is under spring tension. Be careful
when handling the tensioner. Failure to follow this instruction may
result in personal injury.
Remove the bolt and timing belt tensioner.
Protect the timing belt and the lower timing belt cover from contamination by the coolant.
Remove the bolts and the coolant pump.
Remove and discard the gasket.
The replacement coolant pump is not equipped with a clutch and engine harness connector plug. Check OASIS
for any applicable SSMs. If an SSM exists, follow SSM instructions.
When the original coolant pump is equipped with a clutch and engine
harness connector, cut the harness connector off, use heat shrink to
seal the wire ends, and tape back the wires as needed.
Make sure that the mating faces are clean and free of foreign material.
Install a new gasket.
Make sure that new bolts are installed.
Install the coolant pump and the new bolts.
Stage 1:
53 (6 Nm)
Stage 2:
89 (10 Nm)
Make sure that the components are installed to the position noted before removal.
The tensioner is under spring tension. Be careful
when handling the tensioner. Failure to follow this instruction may
result in personal injury.
Install the timing belt tensioner and tighten the bolt.
18 lb.ft (25 Nm)
Remove the holding pin.
Remove the General Equipment: 4 mm Drill Bit
Make sure that the components are installed to the position noted before removal.
Remove Special Service Tool: 303-1556
Locking Tool, Timing Belt.
Remove Special Service Tool: 303-748
Locking Tool, Crankshaft.
Install and tighten the engine block bolt.
177 (20 Nm)
Rinse residual engine coolant off the timing belt and the related drive components.
Install the timing belt cover.
Install the timing belt cover bolts.
89 (10 Nm)
Install the bolt.
89 (10 Nm)
Install and tighten the engine mount stud.
71 (8 Nm)
Only tighten the bolts finger tight at this stage.
Install the coolant pump pulley and tighten the bolts.
Position the wiring aside assembly and attach the wiring harness retainer.
Install and tighten the bolt.
Attach the wiring harness retainers.
Close the cover and attach the retainer.
Install and tighten the timing cover stud bolt.
89 (10 Nm)
Install the supporting bracket and tighten the nut.
62 (7 Nm)
Install the bolt and attach the wiring harness retainer.
17 lb.ft (23 Nm)
Install the accessory drive tensioner and tighten the bolts.
35 lb.ft (48 Nm)
Install the following items:
Install the engine mount.
Refer to: Engine Mount (303-01A Engine - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4, Removal and Installation).
Install the generator.
Refer to: Generator - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4 (414-02 Generator and Regulator, Removal and Installation).
Position the support bracket and tighten the bolts.
35 lb.ft (48 Nm)
Make sure that a new component is installed.
Install the axle bearing support and tighten the nuts.
Stage 1:
44 (5 Nm)
Stage 2:
18 lb.ft (25 Nm)
Stage 3:
18 lb.ft (25 Nm)
Install the underbody shield and the retainers.
Tighten the bolts.
18 lb.ft (24 Nm)
Install the TC inlet pipe and tighten the bolts.
71 (8 Nm)
Tighten the clamp.
44 (5 Nm)
Connect the bypass hose and attach the wiring harness retainers.
Use the General Equipment: Hose Clamp Remover/Installer
Install the vent hose.
Use the General Equipment: Hose Clamp Remover/Installer
Install the following items:
Install the air cleaner outlet pipe.
Refer to: Air Cleaner Outlet Pipe (303-12A Intake Air Distribution and Filtering - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4, Removal and Installation).
Connect the electrical connector and attach the wiring harness retainer.
Connect the electrical connector.
Install the engine appearance cover.
Fill the bleed the cooling system.
Refer to: Engine Cooling System Draining, Vacuum Filling and Bleeding (303-03A Engine Cooling - 1.5L EcoBoost (118kW/160PS) – I4, General Procedures).
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
Before beginning any service procedure in this
section, refer to Safety Warnings in section 100-00 General Information...
Special Tool(s) /
General Equipment
Hose Clamp Remover/Installer
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details...
Other information:
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Movement Symbols
symbols provide detailed information to a required component movement.
These component movements can be rotational or 1-3 dimensional
Inspection and Verification - Engine Performance
There are 2 diagnostic paths that can be followed depending
on the type of engine concern. Carry out Inspection and Verification -
Engine Performance or Inspection and Verification - NVH.
Verify the customer concern...