Ford Fusion Manuals

Ford Fusion: Automatic Transmission - 6-Speed Automatic Transmission – 6F35 / Transmission Description. Description and Operation

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Ford Fusion. Transmission Description. Description and Operation
Ford Fusion. Transmission Description. Description and Operation
Ford Fusion. Transmission Description. Description and Operation


Ford Fusion. Transmission Description. Description and Operation
Item Part Number Description
1 70057005 Transmission case
2 7A1307A130 Clutch support tower
3 7D0197D019 Clutch support tower seals (4 required)
4 W302855W302855 Clutch support tower bolt (3 required)
5 7F2427F242 No. 1 thrust bearing
6 7E0057E005 Intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston
7 7B0707B070 Intermediate (2, 6) clutch piston return spring
8 7D4837D483 Intermediate (2, 6) clutch return spring snap ring
9 7E0057E005 Intermediate (2, 6) clutch apply ring
10 7C1227C122 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch cylinder snap ring
11 7F2837F283 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch cylinder
12 7A2627A262 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch piston
13 7F2357F235 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch piston return spring
14 7C0997C099 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch piston inner (rear) seal
15 7C0997C099 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch piston inner (front) seal
16 7A5487A548 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch piston outer seal
17 7C1227C122 Input shaft snap ring
18 7G3847G384 Direct (3, 5, R)/overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch cylinder and hub assembly
19 7A5487A548 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch piston inner seal
20 7F2137F213 Input shaft
21 7D2347D234 No. 2 thrust bearing
22 7B0707B070 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch wave spring
23 7B1647B164 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch friction plates (3 required)
24 7B4427B442 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch steel plates (3 required)
25 7B0667B066 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch pressure plate
26 7D4837D483 Direct (3, 5, R) clutch snap ring
27 7A5487A548 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch piston outer (rear) seal
28 7A5487A548 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch piston outer (front) seal
29 7A2627A262 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch piston
30 7F2227F222 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch piston return spring
31 7H3607H360 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch balance piston
32 7C1227C122 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch piston snap ring
33 7B1647B164 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch friction plates (5 required)
34 7B4427B442 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch steel plates (5 required)
35 7B0667B066 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch pressure plate
36 7D4837D483 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch snap ring
37 7H3517H351 Overdrive (4, 5, 6) clutch hub
38 7D2347D234 No. 3 thrust bearing
39 7A0197A019 Rear planetary sun gear and shell assembly
40 7E0857E085 Intermediate (2, 6) clutch wave spring
41 7B1647B164 Intermediate (2, 6) clutch friction plates (2 required)
42 7B4427B442 Intermediate (2, 6) clutch steel plates (2 required)
43 7A0897A089 One-Way Clutch (OWC)
44 7D4917D491 Rear planet carrier/center ring gear
45 7C0967C096 No. 6 thrust bearing
46 7G1777G177 No. 5 thrust bearing
47 7B0667B066 Low/reverse clutch pressure plate
48 7B1647B164 Low/reverse clutch friction plates (3 required)
49 7B4427B442 Low/reverse clutch steel plates (3 required)
50 7E0857E085 Low/reverse clutch wave spring
51 7C1227C122 Low/reverse clutch piston snap ring
52 7H3187H318 Low/reverse clutch piston snap ring retainer
53 7B0707B070 Low/reverse clutch piston return spring
54 7D4027D402 Low/reverse clutch piston
55 7L3287L328 Center support
56 7A2627A262 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch piston
57 7B0707B070 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch piston return spring
58 7D0417D041 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch piston snap ring retainer
59 7H3657H365 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch piston snap ring
60 7D4917D491 Center planetary carrier/front ring gear
61 7D0637D063 Center planetary sun gear
62 7C0967C096 No. 7 thrust bearing
63 7C0967C096 No. 8 thrust bearing
64 7D4917D491 Front planetary carrier/rear ring gear
65 7A0197A019 Front planetary sun gear and shell assembly
66 7D2347D234 No. 10 thrust bearing
67 7B0707B070 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch wave spring
68 7B1647B164 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch friction plates (2 required)
69 7B4427B442 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch steel plates (2 required)
70 7B0667B066 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch pressure plate
71 7D4837D483 Forward (1, 2, 3, 4) clutch snap ring
72 79787978 Transmission fluid baffle
73 W500214W500214 Transmission fluid baffle bolt (2 required)
74 70607060 Park gear
75 7G1327G132 Drive chain drive sprocket
76 7C1227C122 Drive sprocket snap ring
77 7G0997G099 No. 13 thrust washer
78 7G2497G249 Drive chain
79 7D2347D234 No. 11 thrust washer
80 70487048 Input shaft seal
81 7A0987A098 Transmission fluid filter
82 7L0277L027 Magnet
83 W302860W302860 Pump-to-torque converter housing bolt (8 required)
84 7A1037A103 Pump assembly
85 7A2487A248 Pump assembly-to-torque converter housing O-ring seal
86 7A2487A248 Torque converter hub seal
87 7P1137P113 Torque converter hub seal retainer
88 7F3437F343 Different ring gear
89 7C1227C122 Differential ring gear snap ring
90 7H2457H245 Differential transmission fluid baffle
91 79757975 Torque converter housing
92 W701606W701606 Torque converter housing stud bolt
93 7A4437A443 Torque converter housing bolt (16 required)
94 79027902 Torque converter
95 11771177 RH halfshaft seal
96 7G3557G355 No. 12 thrust bearing
97 7G1327G132 Drive chain driven sprocket
98 7F3427F342 Differential sun gear
99 7F4657F465 Differential assembly
100 7G1127G112 No. 15 thrust bearing
101 7B3627B362 Torque converter housing-to-transmission case guide pins
102 7D0707D070 Park pawl spring
103 7A4417A441 Park pawl
104 7D0717D071 Park pawl pin
105 7F3377F337 Manual control shaft seal
106 7A2327A232 Park pawl actuator rod
107 7H5577H557 Transmission range (TR) sensor
108 7C4937C493 Manual control shaft
109 7G1007G100 Manual control shaft pin
110 7A2567A256 Manual control lever
111 W708455W708455 Manual control lever nut
112 7E3327E332 Transmission range (TR) sensor detent spring
113 W711235W711235 Transmission range (TR) sensor detent spring bolt
114 7J3877J387 Fluid reservoir
115 7A2487A248 Clutch feed seal (large)
116 7A2487A248 Clutch feed seal (small) (4 required)
117 7B4317B431 Main control alignment pin
118 7C2077C207 Main control stud
119 7G1997G199 Main control-to-transmission case seal (2 required)
120 W713644W713644 Output shaft speed (OSS) sensor bolt
121 7H1037H103 Output shaft speed (OSS) sensor
122 7Z4907Z490 Main control-to-transmission case separator plate
123 7A1007A100 Main control valve body
124 N605770N605770 Separator plate-to-solenoid body bolt (2 required)
125 7Z4907Z490 Main control valve body-to-solenoid body separator plate
126 7G3917G391 Solenoid body
127 W500303W500303 Solenoid body-to-valve body bolt (2 required)
128 W302863W302863 Main control-to-transmission case bolt (long) (10 required)
129 W302862W302862 Main control-to-transmission case bolt (short) (12 required)
130 W520412W520412 Main control nut
131 7G2767G276 Transmission internal wiring harness frame
132 W505513W505513 Transmission internal wiring harness frame screw (5 required)
133 7B3297B329 Main control-to-cover seal
134 7G0047G004 Main control cover
135 W714629W714629 Main control cover stud bolt (5 required)
136 W500214W500214 Main control cover bolt (8 required)
137 70107010 Drain plug
138 7H3987H398 Line pressure tap
139 Oil leveling plug
140 11771177 LH halfshaft seal
141 70257025 LH halfshaft bushing
142 7M1017M101 Turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor
143 W500214W500214 Turbine shaft speed (TSS) bolt
144 7A2467A246 Vent tube
145 W500214W500214 Fluid reservoir bolts
146 7G3427G342 Solenoid body strategy tag
147 7B1487B148 Transmission service identification tag
148 Direct clutch (3, 5, R)
149 Intermediate clutch (2, 6)
150 Overdrive clutch (4, 5, 6)
151 Forward clutch (1, 2, 3, 4)
152 Low/reverse clutch
153 W715931W715931 Transmission fluid auxiliary pump-to-transmission case bolt (3 required)
154 7P0867P086 Transmission fluid auxiliary pump
155 7A1367A136 Transmission fluid auxiliary pump-to-transmission case gasket
156 78907890 Transmission fluid auxiliary pump supply tube assembly

Component Location

Ford Fusion. Transmission Description. Description and Operation
Item Description
1 Solenoid body
2 Valve body
3 Forward clutch (clutch brake 1,2,3,4)
4 Low/reverse clutch (clutch brake L/R)
5 Intermediate clutch (clutch brake 2,6)
6 Low One-Way Clutch (OWC)
7 Direct clutch (drive clutch 3,5,R)
8 Overdrive clutch (drive clutch 4,5,6)
9 Rear planetary assembly
10 Center planetary assembly
11 Front planetary assembly
12 Final drive carrier and differential assembly
13 Drive chain driven sprocket
14 Input shaft assembly and direct/overdrive clutch hub
15 Pump assembly
16 Torque converter
17 Drive chain sprocket
18 Drive chain
19 Park gear
20 Park pawl
21   FWD
22   AWD

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