Other information:
Note: Do not exceed the trailer
weight for your vehicle
configuration listed in the chart
Note: Make sure to take into
consideration trailer frontal area.
Do not exceed 12 feet2 (1.11 meters2)
for 1.5L GTDI and 2.5L TiVCT or 20
feet2 (1.86 meters2) for 2.0L GTDI.
Note: For high altitude operation,
reduce the gross combined weight
by 2% per 1,000 ft (300 m)
starting at the 1,000 ft..
Remove the upper rain sensor cover.
Squeeze the upper rain sensor cover.
Remove the upper rain sensor cover.
Remove the lower rain sensor cover.
Release the tabs.
Remove the lower rain sensor cover.
Remove the rain sensor.
Disconnect the electrical connector.